List Of Goal Kick Technique References

How to Goal Kick (Detailed Technique) Rugby Klub Bratislava
How to Goal Kick (Detailed Technique) Rugby Klub Bratislava from

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Goal Kick Technique

As a goalkeeper, mastering the goal kick technique is a crucial skill to have. A well-executed goal kick can quickly turn defense into offense, allowing your team to quickly transition up the field. In this article, we’ll go over the proper technique for goal kicks, common mistakes to avoid, and how to improve your accuracy and distance.

The Proper Technique

The first step to mastering the goal kick technique is to understand the proper technique. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Place the ball on the ground in the six-yard box. 2. Take a few steps back, positioning yourself behind the ball. 3. Take a deep breath and focus on your target. 4. As you approach the ball, plant your non-kicking foot next to the ball. 5. Swing your kicking foot back and then forward, making contact with the ball at the bottom half. 6. Follow through with your kick, extending your kicking foot towards your target.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the best goalkeepers make mistakes. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when executing a goal kick: 1. Leaning back: This can cause the ball to go high and not far enough. 2. Not following through: This can cause the ball to go in the wrong direction. 3. Kicking the ball too hard: This can cause the ball to go out of bounds.

Improving Accuracy and Distance

To improve your accuracy and distance, try the following drills: 1. Place cones on the field and practice kicking the ball to each cone. 2. Have a teammate hold up a target, such as a cone or a towel, and practice hitting it. 3. Practice your goal kicks during warm-up and cool-down periods before and after practice.


In summary, mastering the goal kick technique is essential for any goalkeeper. Remember to plant your non-kicking foot next to the ball, swing your kicking foot back and then forward, and follow through with your kick. Common mistakes to avoid include leaning back, not following through, and kicking the ball too hard. To improve your accuracy and distance, try practicing with cones or a target and incorporating goal kicks into your warm-up and cool-down routines.


Q: How far should I be able to kick the ball during a goal kick? A: The average distance for a goal kick is around 35-40 yards, but this can vary depending on the skill level of the goalkeeper. Q: Is it better to kick the ball low or high during a goal kick? A: It’s best to aim for a medium-height kick, around chest level, to give your teammates a better chance to control the ball. Q: Should I use the inside or outside of my foot for a goal kick? A: It’s best to use the inside of your foot for a straight kick and the outside of your foot for a curved kick. Practice both techniques to improve your versatility.